Academic Difficulties?

The life of a student can be complicated – classes, heavy reading loads, papers, difficulty concentrating in class, loneliness, family or friendship problems, stress, chronic illness – the list is long.  When you find yourself floundering academically and/or emotionally, it is important to remember that there are others nearby who can help.

If at any time during your college career you find yourself experiencing academic, emotional, or physical difficulties, please take advantage of the many (largely free to students) academic and counseling resources gathered for you.

The Center For Student Learning (first floor, Addlestone Library, 953-5635) has a broad array of excellent resources just for you.  Their services include individual tutoring, study skills seminars, labs in math, writing, and language, and much more.   Our students have found their programs on topics such as “Organizing Your Time,” “Preparing for an Objective-Style Exam,” and “Dealing with Test Anxiety” to be quite helpful.  You should also check out this online resource, Sites to Promote Academic Success, which lists many links for improving test taking, reducing distractions, managing your time, and so on.

If you suspect that you have a specific learning problem (such as a language learning disability or attention deficit disorder) that is contributing to your academic difficulties, then consult with the folks at the Center for Disability Services/SNAP (104 Lightsey Center, 953-1431).  Once the difficulty has been formally documented, you may be entitled to work with their staff and your professors to receive special services through the SNAP program (such as single-person testing, large print texts, or extra test time), depending on your disorder or disability.

If you need a form for dropping or adding a course, withdrawing from a course, evaluating a transfer credit, and so on, then download what you need from the Forms page of the Office of the Registrar.

If you are experiencing special circumstances (e.g., academic probation; difficulty with classes; the need to petition for withdrawal from a course after the withdrawal period has ended; contemplating a leave of absence), then you definitely need to make an appointment with one of the staff members of the Center for Academic Performance and Persistence (CAPP).